The two forms needed for monthly inspections are provided below. They are in PDF format and can be downloaded to your computer or printed out by right clicking and select Save Target As… (save to your computer), or, Print Target… (print form). The Designated Operator Form must be filled out and either mailed or faxed to your local EHS department in charge of your inspections. This is usually your County, or for some, City departments. This form can be filled out on your computer and then printed for signing. Please fax a copy of the completed Designated Operator Form to Nicholson Petroleum Maintenance, Inc., 831-583-0698, if you choose to use NPM,Inc. as your Designated Operator. The Monthly Inspection Form is the form used for your required inspections. There is no need to download this form unless you wish to do your own inspections and you have a Designated Operator other than NPM,Inc
Download this permit tracking aid to assist you in planning your requirements.
NPM Testing Aid
The following charts will help you understand the records and tests you need to perform on your UST site.
Right click and Save Target As... or click to open.
Record Keeping
Record Keeping Requirements